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Minutes of Lake Beseck Environment Committee January 23, 2017

Lake Beseck Environment Committee Meeting

Monday January 23, 2017 7:00 PM

Middlefield Community Center

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm. 

2. Members Present
Craig Lundell, Amy Poturnicki, Rob Poturnicki, Randy Bernotas, Jon Brayshaw, Daria Vander Veer, Rebecca Adams, John Lindner, Jay Brown.  Ed Bailey joined the meeting at 7:11pm. 3. Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda of January 23, 2017 made by Amy Poturnicki; seconded by   Rebecca Adams.  Passed unanimously. 

4. Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of August 22, 2016, without amendments, made by  Amy Poturnicki; seconded by Craig Lundell.  Passed unanimously. 

5. Public Comment
No members of the public were present. 

6. Chairman’s Report
Amy reported that there has been no news on the STEAP grant; we have had no communication from DEEP. 

7. Selectmen’s Report  
Ed Bailey reported that no STEAP grants have been awarded at all since our last meeting, although there is still money available so there is some hope for the end of the fiscal year. The state is under extreme financial duress, so the near future “doesn’t look good.” Rebecca Adams agreed and supplied some additional details; she indicated new projects are facing a serious lack of funding. Jon Brayshaw asked whether funds for this committee were being included in the new budget.  Ed Bailey indicated that funding for small towns in general is endangered. 
Ed also reported that Mark has not heard anything from DEEP about our proposal to put carp into the lake; there is a general sense the fisheries staff are opposed to the idea. Rebecca Adams noted that the carp plan is a good example of a project that we could push for since it is a fiscally responsible option from the state’s perspective. Ed Bailey noted that the state may be holding off approval pending the results of the carp project in Candlewood Lake; he will speak to Len Suzio and Buddy Altobello. 
Speaking of the town budget, Ed recommended we continue at least year’s levels. Amy will ask Mark for a quote to repeat the testing he did last year. 
John Lindner asked, if we do not get a STEAP grant, what funding the town can plan for, longterm, to support our capital projects going forward. Ed Bailey explained some options for additional funding. 
Ed Bailey updated the committee on the work the Planning & Zoning Commission has been doing on the new Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), which includes a section on natural resources and open space, including ponds and lakes in the area. The plan identifies areas of interest but does not make many specific recommendations; Amy Poturnicki mentioned that much of what the POCD provides mirrors the recommendations made by Milone & MacBroom in their management study. Ed Bailey’s recommended that we make P&Z aware of the M&M report.  Otherwise, he and Amy agreed the P&Z plan is a good beginning; Rebecca Adams advised that committee members should go directly to P&Z to make specific recommendations to incorporate into the plan.  P&Z will have a special meeting on Feb. 15th to discuss the POCD, which is available online on the town’s site.  Amy indicated she planned to attend; Rebecca, Rob, and Randy said they would join her. Members were encouraged to review the M&M study and email Amy with specific recommendations. 
In response to a question, Ed Bailey indicated that the committee was not over budget.  About $8,000 has been budgeted for the committee work and $10,000 for the testing & lake management. 

8. Mark June-Wells Report
Mark June-Wells was not present. 

9. Misc. 
The committee discussed the plans for the spring project of creating buffer gardens along the lake edge and coordinating with Country Flower Farms for educational programs and owner discounts on lake-friendly plants. 
John Lindner mentioned that the next CFL convention will be in April at the CT Agricultural Experimental Station.  Members were encouraged to attend. 

Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Robert Poturnicki; seconded by Rebecca Adams.  Passed unanimously. 
Meeting was adjourned at 8:25.